Reserve your seat now for our next show, February 8

A Musical Presentation on Race
This is not just another evening of talk.
This is not just a concert of entertaining songs.
DEEPER THAN THE SKIN is a experience of singing and listening … of experiencing a connection so deep that it makes you laugh, smile, cry and reconsider what you know about our history. It’s an invitation to open your heart and mind to a story of shared humanity that resonates with your own.
Two friends … one Black, one White … one from the North … one from the South. Musicians, storytellers, students of history and world travelers … born three days apart! Two separate narratives forged into one powerful friendship aimed at finding common ground and helping others to do the same.

Deeper Than the Skin brings together a remarkable journey that started 30 years ago and is now offering hope to people all over the nation. It’s a presentation that ends with an open dialogue that moves the audience from emotion into action … that gives voice and direction to the question “What can I do?”

Deeper Than the Skin is an interactive, engaging invitation to take a step into a new reality. It’s an affirmation of the notion that a more perfect union begins …. with us!
“Greg and Reggie are two of the most engaging performers you’d want to enjoy on a concert evening. To be invited into their lives to share their deepest concerns and memories is a rare privilege in a very memorable evening.”
–Thea Hagepanos,
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Wilmington, NC
Reserve your seat now
$18 online • $20 at the door
Doors open at 7:00
We invite you to enjoy delicious refreshments from the Café at Carroll Café available before the show and at the intermission. A changing choice of savories enough for a light meal, topped off with fabulous desserts and beverages, will add to the happiness of the concert experience! Always vegetarian, with some vegan and gluten-free options most months, all lovingly provided by Sandra.
Thank you for your support of Carroll Café.