Karen Ashbrook & Paul Oorts CD Release

Thanks to Karen Ashbrook & Paul Oorts for a fabulous concert and CD release,
and thanks to the Rolling Scones

November 14, 2014  • 7:30 p.m.


Karen Ashbrook teaches and performs Celtic, contra dance, and Jewish music and works teaching Irish music and culture to chiAshbrook_Solo_116ldren. These days she primarily performs as a duo with her husband Paul Oorts, playing his native Belgian and French music.

Karen is considered one of the finest Irish hammered dulcimer players anywhere. Add her wooden flute and penny whistle playing, and you have the consummate Irish musician.

“Celtic music for the mind and body.”—John O’Regan

Belgian-oorts soloborn Paul Oorts performs on harp guitar, 10-string cittern, mandolin, and musette accordion most often with Karen. He is very active in the world of English, Contra, and Vintage dances in the DC-Baltimore area.

“By now, Celtic music has been blended with more things than a packinghouse sausage so I don’t exactly jump out of my chair when a CD purporting to be a unique mix lands in my mailbox. But I’ll make an exception for Celtic Cafe, KAPO_LOGOthat pairs Belgian-born fretted instrument master Paul Oorts with Karen Ashbrook, an American who dazzles on hammered dulcimer, flute, and penny whistle. Their collaboration mixes Irish, Scottish, Flemish, and French music.”—Dirty Linen

The student ensemble The Rolling Scones opened for Karen and Paul.