Category Archives: 2014-2015 season

Kim and Reggie Harris with Ken Whiteley

Thank you, Kim and Reggie Harris and Ken Whitely, for another great show

October 17, 2014 (The Third Friday) • 7:30 p.m.

photo: RL Geyer

Consummate musicians and storytellers, Kim and Reggie Harris
combine a strong folk and gospel legacy with a solid background
in classical, rock, jazz and pop music. Creative curiosity, years
of road and stage experience and interactions with performers
such as Pete Seeger, Ysaye Barnwell, Jay Leno, Tom Paxton,
Bernice Johnson Reagon, Harry Belafonte and others, has led
them to produce music that entertains and inspires.

“Kim and Reggie inspire a sense of joy and exhilaration that lifts the soul… makes you want to sing and celebrate your neighbor!! Music that makes you come alive!” —Philadelphia Daily News

Ken Whiteley, Art of Light Studio 07 clrKen Whiteley is one of Canada’s most respected “roots” musicians.  A prolific songwriter, a gifted and versatile
instrumentalist and a powerful singer, Whiteley’s music
communicates themes of freedom, love, spiritual aspiration
and social comment. His performances are presented with
particapatory humor, grace and energy.

“A Canadian Pete Seeger with a voice like Tony Bennett
cranked to 11.” —Peterborough Examiner

Thank you for your support of Carroll Café.

P.S. Look at our Upcoming page for information on the rest of the season.

Jesse Palidofsky: Dancing Toward the Light

jesseWe opened our 2014-2015 season on Friday, September 12, with Jesse Palidofsky: Dancing Toward the Light.

Dancing Toward the Light was produced for Azalea City Recordings azalea city recordings logo


by Ken Whiteley, who was nominated for producer of the year at the Canadian Folk Music Awards for his work on this CD.

Jesse's new CD, Dancing Toward the LightAt this SOLD OUT CD Release Concert and Celebration, Jesse was joined on stage with stellar musicians Ken Whiteley, Seth Kibel, Andrea Hoag, Carey Creed, Scott Giambusso, and more.

Congratulations, Jesse!

Thank you for your support of Carroll Cafe.

PS. Look at our Upcoming page for information on the next season.